James Dalziel
Company Owner
James is 28 years old and is from Preston, Lancashire. James started the company in 2016 from being a consultant in the meat industry. The success he had with his clients has grown the business to what it is today.
James is honest & cares about his customers and is always thinking about how to add more value, which is what he believes has allowed him to create the success he has so far and will continue to do so.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-dalziel-a34117175
Number: 01772 500600
Daniel Walton
Sales Manager
Daniel has been involved in sales and customer service for the past 10 years. Over the years he has worked in all types of industries from restaurants, recruitment, dairy, automotive and now raw meat. Over this time, he has developed sales techniques and skills which help to deliver a unique and bespoke service to all of our customers. He takes pride on the feedback he receives and is keen to meet all of our customers to find out how we can improve on our excellent service going forwards.
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-walton-79322011a/
Number: 07542 678598
Samantha Sales
Operations Manager
Sam’s background was Morrison’s where for over 10 years she worked her way up to a management position. She spent 3 years in Sales after this before starting with Platinum Food Partners in October 2020. She cares a lot about her customers that we serve and she does everything she can to make sure they are very satisfied with the service received. She is extremely positive and energetic & our customers find that she is great to talk to on a daily basis.
Number: 07485 555471
Minahil Ali
Accounts Assistant
Number: 01772 500600
Cristal Cunado
Order Co-ordinator
Number: 01772 500600
Era Davidson
Sales Executive
Number: 01772 500600